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See why many of the world’s strongest brands chose Daon to help them build lasting trust with their customers.

Digital Age Verification

With the rapid increase in global regulations surrounding age verification, many businesses across multiple industries find themselves needing to transition from recommended to required. Whether they need to meet new requirements, protect their reputation, or promote public safety, businesses that offer age-restricted products and services need simple, reliable solutions for establishing customer age beyond physical interaction.

Know How Old Your Customers Are

AI-driven, cross-channel solutions to gather the data you need to meet online age verification requirements.

  • Proprietary age estimation algorithm for face scans
  • ID validation with age extraction
  • Third-party database age confirmation

A key challenge with digital age verification is capturing accurate data without creating unnecessary friction that alienates customers, or worse, causes them to take their business elsewhere. To provide the best customer experience, the steps required need to match the risk of the transaction. For a low-risk age check, a customer could be reluctant to scan their ID, so a simple but accurate visual age estimation or third-party data confirmation would be more appropriate. When dealing with age checks bound by more strict regulations due to their high-risk nature, users are more likely to understand and even appreciate the diligence of being required to scan an ID, which can be validated and used to confirm their age. Daon provides the ability to flexibly apply all of these technologies, helping to ensure that regulations are met while minimizing the negative effect on customers.

The Speed and Simplicity of Age Estimation
AI-powered age estimation from a selfie is the fastest and easiest method to meet or exceed many global age verification requirements. A user need only snap a selfie and within seconds, their age can be determined, usually within 2 years of accuracy—significantly more accurate than a human in a face-to-face interaction. Daon takes this solution a step further. Built on our advanced identity verification and authentication solutions, our age estimation also features advanced presentation attack detection to prevent the use of images, videos, masks, or even deepfakes to bypass age verification, making it an even more reliable solution.

When in Doubt, Double-check
A step up from age estimation is third-party data verification. Daon’s TrustX® product offers built-in integration with data sources across the globe, allowing birth date information provided by the customer to be quickly and seamlessly cross-checked with government or other authoritative records.

ID Based Age Capture for High-Risk Access
For the highest level of assurance, the next step is to integrate an ID scan into the process. Like with facial scans, Daon’s technology not only captures the document but validates that it is a real ID, in good standing, that has not been altered. It provides the option to scan an ID using the camera on a mobile device or, for maximum accuracy, scan the chip in NFC-enabled IDs. The customer’s birthdate is extracted from the scan or chip and used to determine that the required age has been met.  This can also be part of an identity verification onboarding process, establishing the user’s identity and age simultaneously, and then creating their user record, and if desired, biometric template.

When 100% is the Minimum Standard
While third-party cross-checks and validated IDs are extremely accurate, the only way to be 100% accurate is to utilize a combination of checks. The no-code orchestration capability of Daon’s TrustX platform makes it easy for businesses to build the optimum series of verification steps, and then tailor them to individual use cases, ensuring accurate results, every time.

One Size Doesn’t Fit All
As with Daon’s other solutions, age verification is designed to be tailored to your various customer workflows, ensuring the ability to balance certainty with user friction. For the ultimate flexibility, a system can be established that starts with age estimation and only moves to more advanced ID checks if the estimation falls within the tolerance range, making sure the fewest number of customers are required to take extra steps, while also providing the most accurate results.

Daon offers two products to assist your business with age verification:

Identity verification for eKYC onboarding that can capture age data during document validation and facial biometric capture.

Learn About xProof

Our SaaS-based platform can apply age verification processes to the customer journey with no-code, drag-and-drop orchestration.

Learn About TrustX

Frequently Asked Questions

Does age estimation require biometric verification?
No. While the two can be combined for a seamless onboarding experience, our age estimation algorithm resides in the image quality assessment of our process which proceeds the capture of the biometric template. If age estimation is a suitable solution for your needs, your customers can take a selfie, the system can determine their age, and then the image can be deleted.

How accurate is age estimation?
The best answer is that it’s continually getting better. Our age estimation algorithm is built on AI, so it is continually utilizing machine learning to improve its capability. In most uses cases, the goal is to determine if a user is over a certain age. In those cases it is already very accurate.

Do I need to have my customers scan an ID to use third-party validation?
No. You could have them enter their personal information and then check that against third-party data. There is, however, the risk that they are entering someone else’s information in order to get around the age protection. By using identity verification, you are certain the person who’s age you are verifying is the person trying to gain access.

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